This page will have information relevant to the LEAP-North event. Refer to the main FAQ page for general details about camp.

LEAP-North Team

Click here to see a larger image -> LEAP24-Nth Team

Contacting Site

This section will be updated prior to the camp starting.

Patrol Leader Handbook

PL Handbook can be downloaded here – LEAP24-PL-Handbook.pdf.


Can my child bring medication to camp?

Absolutely! We encourage all youth and adults attending camp to continue taking their regular medications as scheduled. Please do not suddenly cease regular medications for camp, this usually results in a negative experience and isn’t necessary.

What do we do with medications when we arrive at camp?

Most medications are to be handed in at the registration desk with a completed LEAP24 Medication Record. These medications will be stored in the LEAP welfare space and provided as per directions on the completed form. Anyone with medication that they could require urgently (asthma puffers, epipens etc) are to keep these medications with them at all times, but still hand in any other non-urgent medications that they may have.  If a Venturer Scout would prefer to self-administer all their medications, this can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

But what if it needs to be refrigerated or have other special storage instructions?

The onsite refrigerator at the administration building will be used for refrigerated items. Lockable storage areas will also be utilised for all medications. If your medication requires injection, please supply all required equipment and an appropriately sized yellow sharps container.

Do I need a doctor’s label for ‘over the counter’ medications like iron supplements, travel sickness tablets or antihistamines?

No, just leave the medication in its original packaging and fill in the LEAP24 Medication record form. If the dose required is greater than the recommended dose on the packaging, a doctor’s label, letter or script may be requested.

What if my child needs medication during the camp that I haven’t provided, like paracetamol or an antihistamine?

If a situation such as this arises, a member of the welfare team will contact the emergency contact provided to discuss options. Please ensure that the details provided will be contactable during camp. We promise to only reach out if required.

Leader Catering

The leaders will be camping in the Leader Subcamp and meals will be provided (or you can supply your own).

Required Gear for Offsite Day Activities

Water Activities (Scouts Only)

All patrol members will need:

  • Packed lunch.
  • Take water shoes and SunSmart clothes to swim and paddle in.
  • Bring towel and water bottle.
  • Be ready to get on bus from first parade with all this personal gear.
  • Carry all in a day pack each.
  • No Phones allowed at this activity.

Vertical Activities (Scouts and Venturer Scouts)

All Patrol members will need:

  • Packed lunch.
  • Where good shoes for abseiling and walking.
  • Bring water bottle.
  • No phones allowed at this activity.

City Adventure (Scouts and Venturer Scouts)

All Patrol members will need (Note: Lunch is supplied at this activity):

  • All Scouts and Venturer Scouts to be in full uniform for this activity.
  • Bring at least 2 litres water.
  • You can bring up to $10 to $15 spending if you wish.
  • Your patrol can bring a phone to this activity.