Blue Cards
The Blue Card details need to be entered into the application from the “Leader Information” menu.
NOTE: The Blue Card expiry date must be after the finish date of the LEAP event you are attending (North or South).

Do Venturer Scouts Need a Blue Card?
If you are registered for the event as a Venturer Scout and your 18th birthday falls during the LEAP event you are attending (North or South), you are going to need apply and receive a Blue Card prior to the start of camp. It can sometimes take a while to recieve a Blue Card, so it would be best to get started on it now so you recieve it in plenty of time.
Rover Scouts, Leaders, Adult Members
If you are registering for the event as a Rover Scout, Leader or Adult Member, you will need a current Blue Card with an expiry date after the finish date of the LEAP event you are attending.
The LEAP is being held at Tarmaroo Campsite (northern site) and BP Park (southern site). LEAP organising committee is not arranging transport and all participants will need to organise thier own transport to site. Please note, there may limited parking space so suggest car pooling for adult memebers where possible.
Scouts are required to organise transport for their patrol and camping equipment. Note, parent permission for transport of their child in another person’s car is required as per QBSI.
If you aren’t travelling by car to your site (e.g., flying into Townsville), you may be able to borrow equipment or be part of another patrol. Please get in touch with us ASAP to arrange this!
Prohibited Items
LEAP is a dry site. Alcohol and illicit drugs are banned from site. Anyone found in possession of alcohol or illicit drugs will be sent home. Similarly, youth members are not permitted to smoke or vape. Adults will need to refer to the LEAP site team to be directed to the “Smoker’s Area”.
Mobile Phones
Scouts are not permitted to have mobile phones during the event (except during the City Adventure where the PL may require a phone). On arrival at camp, mobile phones belonging to Scouts will be placed in one ziplock bag per patrol (with patrol name on it), taken to the subcamp, and subcamp will take them to Camp Headquaters to be placed in a lock box until the end of camp. No charging facility will be made available for the charging of Scout mobile phones.
If a Scout needs to contact a parent during camp, they need to raise this with their subcamp leader. If a parent needs to contact a youth member during camp, they need to contact their unit leader directly or contact the campsite via the mobile number listed in the relevant FAQ for site (link will be placed here prior to camp).
Leaders are permitted to have mobile phones at camp. limited charging facilities will be available and suggest leaders bring alternative methods to charge the phone.
Standalone cameras (not part of a mobile phone) are permitted on site by all members attending LEAP. Please note restrictions on taking photos of youth members without their permission and some areas of the camp will be restricted and no camera allowed (e.g. toilets and showers).
Scout Approval Forms
C5 – Activity Advice and Approval
Scouts will need to prepare a C5 – Activity Advice and Approval and an F31-Risk-Assesment for the camp for your Patrol. Your Scout Leader will countersign it when they are happy with your planning and your Group Leader will sign the final approval.
Operoo form will not be required as parent permission has already be given via the LEAP event application system. However, parent permission for transport of their child in another person’s car is required as per QBSI.
Full uniform is required to be worn to and from the camp. Full uniform consists of shirt, scarf, woggle and belt. Pants should be of one colour. As for other clothing, LEAP isn’t a fashion parade, and we need to stay sun smart. No singlet tops, hot pants or skirts please (and that goes for the girls too). Wear comfortable clothes that will allow you to take part in all the activities and help you avoid sunburn. It can also be cold and wet at LEAP so please come prepared with a raincoat and a jumper or two for at night.
Scouts will be camping in Patrols of 5-8 youth members and will be allocated to a subcamp. Patrols will need to bring all equipment to allow them to camp independantly to other patrols from their home unit.
Venturer Scouts
Venturer Scouts will be camping individually and will be part of a separate subcamp to the Scouts. Venturer Scouts will need to supply their own camping gear.
Rovers, Leaders, and Other Adult Members
Rovers, Leaders and other Adult Members will be camping in a leader subcamp and need to arrange their own camping gear (confirm with relevant Camp Chief on allowance for campertrailers and caravans).
Camping Standards
QLD Branch has developed a document that outlines the minimum guidelines for Scouts and Leaders in the planning and conduct of Scout camps. A copy of the “Camping Standard” can be found HERE.
Catering for Scouts & Venturer Scouts
LEAP organisers are not providing food for Scouts or Venture Scouts – this must be organised by the Patrols for Scouts and individually for Venturer Scouts.
For Scout patrols, all meals are to be cooked on-site. Cooking fires will not be permitted on LEAP. All cooking must be done using a gas stove or cooker. You are required to bring to site all food needed for the camp. Note the need to be careful about perishables later in the camp, either by avoiding them or arranging a food delivery with your unit leader.
PL’s can order ice at the PL’s meeting each afternoon (at patrol cost). If you are short of ice before then, it can be raised with your Subcamp leader.
All gas systems need to be checked for leaks (soapy water) before use. Re-check it if anything is undone during camp. PL’s can order gas at the PL’s meeting each afternoon (at patrol cost).
LEAP will have skips available in locations around site to place rubbish into. Patrols will need to have a rubbish bin at camp and it will be emptied onto the larger skips on a regular basis.
There are water points around the campground where fresh drinking water can be obtained.
Showers and Toilets
Both LEAP campsites will have shower and toilets available for both Youth and Adults. For the youth, these may be portable type showers and toilets.